Felicia Knock Fibre Studio

Questions about my products? Like to know about my next event?
Please give me a call: 902-766-4096 | Send me a letter: P.O. Box 154, Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0 | or

Sheep Icon

I'll be Pleased to Meet You!

Events for 2017

Nova Scotia Folk Art Festival | Sunday August 6, 2017, Noon to 4 pm
Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, 17 Green Street

Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival | Saturday, October 14, 2017, 10 am to 4 pm
Col. James Layton Ralston Armoury, 36 Acadia Street, Amherst, Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Designer Christmas Craft Market | November 17 - 19, 2017
Cunard Event Centre at Pier 23, 961 Marginal Road, Halifax

Lunenburg Farmers' Market | May - December, 2017, 8 am to Noon
Lunenburg War Memorial Arena, 17 Green Street

Monthly Hook Ins | Dates and locations to be determined.

January - April, 2017, 8:30 am - Noon
Lunenburg Community Centre








Come see me at my next annual festival or event where more of my hooked rugs are for sale. I look forward to meeting you!

Felicia Knock, P.O. Box 154, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia B0J 2C0 Telephone: 902-766-4096

© 2017 Felicia Knock Fibre Studio | All images are the property of Felicia Knock, or the property of respective firms displayed throughout this web site.


Another design by: Bruce English Design Management Solutions